مركز جامعة المنصورة للنانوتكنولوجي Mansoura University Nanotechnology Center |
برعاية سيادة ا.د./ السيد عبد الخالق رئيس جامعة المنصورة و رئيس مجلس إدارة المركز والسادة النواب ا.د./ ريموندة عساف لشؤون المجتمع والبيئة وا.د./ ماجدة نصر لشؤون الدراسات العليا والبحوث
دورة: مقدمة للنانوتكنولوجي |
1 و2 و8 يوليو 2012 |
مدرج رشاد البدراوي |
بكلية الهندسة جامعة المنصورة |
الأهداف: التعريف بالمبادئ الأساسية لعلوم النانوتكنولوجي وبأحد التطبيقات الهامة: الهندسة الطبية والحيوية الجمهور المستهدف: الدورة الكاملة: تهم الباحثين الراغبين في الولوج لهذا المجال والقيام بأبحاث فيه. اليوم الأول فقط: يخص صناع القرار في مراكز بحثية أوطبية أوصناعية يرغبون في التعرف على الإمكانيات التي تفتحها هذه التكنولوجيا. الشهادة: شهادة من المركز لمن حضر الدورة الكاملة |
Course Contents |
Introduction to Nanotechnology, MN Sabry: Nanotechnology enables us to deal with very small structures about 1/1,000 of human hair thickness. Perspectives opened are huge, for both fundamental (physics, chemistry and biology) and applied (industrial, medical and environmental) research. This is an introductory wide span talk. |
Introduction to Nanomaterials, A Shabaka: “Small is different”. When a material is cut into very small sizes, its physical and chemical properties may change. The huge Industrial, medical and environmental implications will be addressed. |
Introduction to Micro and Nanodevices, D. Khalil: Miniaturization of known devices has been a constant trend in the past decades. Devices became cheaper, portable and with multiple functions. Moreover, some applications may only be done by such small devices. The talk will address fabrication techniques as well as applications. |
Introduction to characterization at micro and nano scales, group: Characterization is a mandatory approach to evaluate the behavior and/or performance of micro and nano structures. In this talk, the state of the art of modern characterization techniques will be addressed. From basic principles through applications to end user tools, the audience will get a glimpse about this important topic. |
Bio-Medical Applications of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, H. Mohamed: Recent progress in micro-fabrication technology is being applied to biomedical applications, creating thus a new field of multi-disciplinary research known as BioMEMS, integrating engineering, biology, physics, and chemistry. Applications include microscale sensors for surgical instruments, monitoring physiological activities, drug discovery and delivery, cell sorting, DNA amplification, and electrophoresis. Life processes at the nanoscale can be better understood. This tutorial overviews available technology and current and potential applications. It will also introduce engineers and life scientists to basic terminologies and concepts to facilitate the initiation of joint, multidisciplinary projects. |
Speakers (alphabetically) |
Prof. Diaa Khalil, Ain Shams U., over 130 papers and conference pres., 6 patents, PI in 7 funded projects, Consultant for MEMSCAP, Mentor Graphics, Team Photonics … |
Prof. Aly Shabaka, founding director of Laser Technology Unit, Nat. Research Center. Over 65 publications. Significant contribution in the use of Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnosis & treatment |
Prof. Fikry Reisha, Mansoura U., Over 60 publications, most of them on nanoparticles production and characterization |
Dr. Hisham Mohamed, Senior Research Scientist at the IBM-Egypt Nanotechnology Center (EGNC) and a visiting Scientist at IBM, Watson Research Laboratories, NY. Over 14 years’ experience in micro and nano devices for biological problems. |
Prof. Mohamed Abou ElZahab, Mansoura U., Von Humboldt grant recipient, Visiting prof. Strathclyde U., Glasgow; Research grant KACST for synthesis of TiO2 nano particles for environmental applications |
Prof. Magda Akl, Mansoura U., is a specialist in the preparation of nanomaterials, in particular nano-fibers and nano-gels, with over 30 publications |
Prof. Salah Obayya, Mansoura U.; Formerly Senior Research fellow at City U., London; Senior Lecturer Brunel U., UK and Prof. at U. Glamorgan, UK. Over 180 journal and conference pub.. Associate editor in IEEE journals |
Prof. Mohamed-Nabil Sabry, Dir. of Mansoura U. Nanotechnology Center. Harvey Rosten award of Excellence; co-author of an encyclopedia on thermal effects in nano-electronic systems. Associate editor in IEEE and ASME journals |
البرنامج |
Sunday July 1st 2012: |
( 9:00 – 9:40) ( 9:40 – 10:00) (10:00 – 11:30) |
- Registration - Inaugural talk by President - Introduction to nanotechnology |
(11:30 – 12:00) |
- Coffee break |
(12:00 – 14:00) |
- Introduction to nanomaterials |
Monday July 2nt 2012: |
(10:00 – 11:30) |
- Introduction to nanodevices |
(11:30 – 12:00) |
- Coffee break |
(12:00 – 13:30) |
- Introduction to characterization |
Sunday July 8th 2012: |
(09:30 – 11:30) |
- Bio-MEMS 1 |
(11:30 – 12:00) |
- Coffee break |
(12:00 – 14:00) |
- Bio-MEMS 2 |
للحجز والاستعلام: 0100 0029 897 http://centers.mans.edu.eg/munano/ munano@mans.edu.eg |