ELRIAH Brochure
From under poor and limited financial, educational and healthcare resources,
the renaissance of ELRIAH has emerged.
Thanks to public contribution and donation, the non governmental non
profit organization ELRIAH is now open to offer leading edge multidisciplinary
care including latest diagnostic and treatment therapies with access to
clinical research trials for patient with liver disease.
The Egyptian Liver Research Institute And hospital is a facility committed to the advancement of improved medical knowledge
and our community's health.
It is a situated 150 km northeast of Cairo in AlDakhalia governorate.
It was founded by The Association For Care of Hepatic Patient in 2004.
With a total of 100 beds; the hospital provide a comprehensive care to
adults and children with hepatic disease who cannot be safely assessed
or treated in a less restrictive setting, aiming at helping patients with
challenging health needs live successfully in the community while upholding
ethical and legal principles of patient rights and confidentiality.
Outpatient Department
The outpatient department (OPD) has 14 specialized clinics in(internal
medicine ,pediatric, oncology and surgery ) expected to serve more than
100 000 liver patient a year.
A fully automated equipped laboratory offering clinical and research
assays to hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and other laboratories .
The staff is dedicated to teaching the interpretation of newly developed
assays and to fostering a better understanding of liver diseases among
physicians, laboratory and other health science personnel.
Laboratory includes:

Imaging Department
ELRIAH imaging department provides the complete range of modern imaging
capabilities including:
- Ultrasound scanner
- Computed tomography
- Interventional radiology
Fibroscan is a non-invasive method allowing evaluation of liver fibrosis
by measurement of liver stiffness.
with the highly experienced staff using the state of art equipment
offer an unparallel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to patient suffering
from gastro intestinal disorders.
our patient convenience a dedicated pharmacy on premises covers the up-to-date
patient therapeutic needs.

More inofrmation, is available in the above brochure